Updated: Monero Dashboard, Now With Node Map!

This quick post is in response to the new updates for https://github.com/lalanza808/docker-monero-node and also to add new information for the original Publicly Available Monero Dashboard post. What’s new? A new geoip node map! With this map you can easily take a look at the location of known peers, updated in real time. Beforehand you could …

How to embed a Snowflake Proxy in your website

What are Snowflake Proxies and how do they work? Snowflake Proxies are a really cool plugable transport for the Tor Browser. Snowflakes are small, ephemeral and in numbers. By using the design philosophy that of a snowflake you can have a pretty unique and difficult to censor way of connecting to a network. So that’s …

Publicly Available Monero Dashboard

Warning: Some information in this article might be a little outdated, Here is the update post: Updated: Monero Dashboard, Now With Node Map!(^ v ^) Hi! Recently i just made available a grafana dashboard for my xmr node publicly available! You can access the dashboard here: https://xmr-node.dvdznf.xyz Note than only the dashboard is accessible in …