Welcom to me websit!

Name’s David, nice to see you here :>
This website is my personal home page, you’ll find some cool shit here and there
Have fun exploring!
I really hope you’re not trying to stalk me tho…

All the photos you see on this site are made and owned by me πŸ’―

About me or somethin’? idk. man

What im doin’ rn. :
Package maintenance on:
* Windows Package Manager
* Arch Linux User Repository (somewhat active..)
Tor relay operator
“full-time” TechnicalComputerScience student

I’m just a musician who thinks he knows computers :P
If (POSIX == BigLike) would be a real expression it would return 1


I still haven’t made a formal resume. Lol
But you can check out the software page for a list of programs that I made, maintain and distribute.
And you can take a look at the resume page for a list of technologies i know to use.

Some Projects that i made and like:

^^ youtty (Now on version 0.4.2)

– youtty
(Program that allows you to
search and view youtube videos
from the Linux tty)
– monero-api-cli
(Cli for interacting with the MoneroDaemon-RPC API)
– TorSandbox
(Configuration files and script for
Windows Sandbox in order to automatically
start a new Sandbox with the newest
installation of the TOR browser)
– ontiweb.dev
(Repository for subjects and solutions
from the Romanian National Olympiad for IT)

…and not only!
(Take a look on the software page for more)

Help people circumvent censorship!

You can help people safely access the internet using Snowflake.

To share your connection, enable the toggle and keep this tab open.
Avoid sharing from censored locations.

Will SysAdmin For Food

This website really is a little all over the place (⁄ ⁄‒⁄ω⁄‒⁄ ⁄)
( And also, I should really really really turn it into a static site )
( Maybe? nahhhhhhhhh,, I want a life I’m just lazy >:3 )